SPIRE has the ambition of starting a long-term environmental, social and economic redevelopment in Baia Mare, facilitating its transition from Romania’s ex-mining capital to a leader of environmental design and production. It will achieve this through the co-development of new adaptive and productive landscapes, integrated into a circular ecosystem of cascading material and energy value chains.
The project proposes a revolutionary approach to adaptive phytoremediation and ecosystem creation on urban Heavy Metal-polluted land, as a strategy for long-term (2050) land use management and economic re-profiling. It leverages on the potential for cascading value chains presented by the bio-based material flows, and supports its translation into new economies and social entrepreneurship through a system of incentivization via a local token value system creating a circular environmental bonification system. The approach brings radical and innovative improvements to the burdensome way in which cities are currently forced to deal with the complex negative externalities of brownfields.
SPIRE experiments with land (re)use planning, renaturing and adaptive high-value biomass reuse, addressing the needs of a vast share of EU cities, through:
- A strategic governance / multi-stakeholder co-development framework, supported by the iLEU as a market opener for environmental entrepreneurship and behavioural transition
- A Remediation Toolkit and Adaptive Site Management Application
- A replicable approach to supporting local circular business models
- An LCA assessment and methodology for long-term (2050) adaptation and reuse potential capitalization at urban or FUA level.