Launch of the project GREENTOP Agrobiodiversity

Launch of the project GREENTOP Agrobiodiversity
Indeco Soft SRL, as a beneficiary, in partnership with the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca and the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca is carrying out, between October 1, 2021 – December 30, 2023, the project “GREENTOP Agrobiodiversity", SMIS 121447, co-financed through the Competitiveness Operational Program 2014-2020, Funding Priority A1. Research, development and innovation supporting economic competitiveness and the development of businesses, Operation Stimulation of businesses demand for innovation through RDI projects carried out individually or in partnership with R&D institutes and universities, in order to innovate processes and products in eco-nomic sectors that have growth potential.
The main objective of the project is to develop an innovative product that, through the superior use of satellite images to identify vegetation types, its stage of evolution, species, land use, evolution of buildings and green areas, allows real time monitoring of the evolution of the areas of interest at reasonable costs (reduced compared to the current monitoring models), benefiting from the availability of several sets of images related to each area. The product will be used in urban management, as well as in the field of precision agriculture and biodiversity protection. The use of free satellite data provided by the European Space Agency, linked to high-resolution commercial data, allows efficient monitoring, in line with the European Commission's strategy for territorial development, aligned with the objectives of territorial observatories, and ensures efficient use of resources. The project delivers a “best-value for money” product to local, regional and national authorities, as well as non-governmental organizations, farmers' associations and individual farmers. The product is intended to be scalable and customizable, so that it can be easily replicated / resold in the Member States of the European Union, the European Economic Area, as well as in other countries.
The main expected results are:
• 2 research reports
• IT algorithms for satellite data processing
• Software modules for biodiversity protection and precision agriculture
• Rapid prototyping platform
The total value of the project is 5,618,899.38 RON, of which 4,272,069.04 RON represent non-reimbursable financing through the Competitiveness Operational Program 2014-2020. The value of EU co-financing is 3,631,258.68 lei and the value of national funding is 640,810.36 lei.
Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Operational Program Competitiveness 2014-2020
Beneficiary contact details:
Indeco Soft SRL, 5 Magnoliei Street, Baia Mare, Maramureș County
Website: www.indecosoft.ro
e-mail: office@indecosoft.ro
Project Manager, Adrian Iuliu Moldovan, greentop@indecosoft.ro, +4 0725100702