Buget Previzionar

The Predictive Budget Module is a software tool that allows you to estimate revenue and expenses over several years based on macroeconomic indicators that are reflected in the Framework Letter for next year’s budget, a letter sent by the Ministry of Finance.
The information is organized by year and by type of budget (sources of funding) and takes into account the budget classification established by law.
The program allows:

– Automatically completing the data with the previous year’s earnings and expenditure data comes from the DarS application in Quarter 4;

– the automatic completion of the data with the current year’s program, both on revenue and expenditure, the data comes from the Budget application;

– automated completion of data with proposals and estimates over the next years based on the indicators configured in the application, indicators set in the Framework Letter for next year’s budget, letter sent by the Ministry of Finance.

– export and import of electronic data (xls and dbf, including format for Public Finance Directorates);

– listing documents in the format required by law.